See what others have had to say about the power of Dave & Christi's story:

Hope 4 U, Elva, MN
"We had a chance to have Christi & Dave speak at our 100 Miles 4 Hope benefit that we do annually for all first responders and military in our rural area. Anytime I plan something like this, I am a little nervous. Little did I know, I had no reason to be nervous as their presentation was amazing, their story was so powerful (you could have heard a pin drop as the crowd was so into hearing their story), and I believe many in the room could relate. I spoke with several people after our event and they were just so amazed with the honesty that Christi & Dave shared, and I think several of them realized they were not alone. We need more people like be honest, to be real, and to just let us all know that it is okay to not be okay and ask for help! I am hoping to get them back in our area real soon!"
- Deb H. - Hope 4 U
"Excellent speakers, love their transparency and honesty with struggles in life! They have a great story to share that gives feelings of normalcy to those of us who work in healthcare, fire, police, or EMS. Highly recommend them."
- Allison Z. (RN/Ambulance Director)
"I've been in EMS for 30+ years and served as a reserve deputy for 15 years. For Dave - I know & understand the need & culture around being "tough" while on duty. But that toughness is absolutely nothing compared to the guts it takes to make the choices you have made in recognizing & responding to the it's ok to not be ok. The strength & resolve you show by presenting this is FAR beyond what is shown on the street."
- First Responder
“I have attended a number of EMS presentations over the years, I always walk away feeling like I learned at least one new thought. I believe this was one of the strongest presentations, maybe because it pertains to all of us trying to remember to take care of ourselves!”
- First Responder
"Excellent class. Thanks for sharing your story. Mental health struggles are so much more than people realize. It takes people like you both to help shine a light on them. The only feedback I have is to keep doing what you're doing and spread the word."
- First Responder
"To say that they had the attention of all the attendees is an understatement. The content that they shared is powerful and has continued to affect how I relate with people regardless of occupation, race, culture, but especially our law enforcement officers and their spouses."
- Mitch S. - Emergency Dept. RN, Mayo Clinic
“David & Christi spoke at an Emergency Nursing Association conference. To say that they had the attention of all the attendees, is an understatement. The content that they shared is powerful and has continued to affect how I relate with people regardless of occupation, race, culture, but especially our law enforcement officers and their spouses.”
- Mitchell S. (RN Mayo Clinic)
"I hope you are able to think about the impact you've had on me, for saving me, and for fighting for me even when I couldn't or wouldn't. Superheroes don't have to wear capes or a uniform to help others. You two are mine."